- We use How long...? to ask about a period of time:
How long will the journey take?- Three hours.
We use from... to or from... until to talk about a period of time:
She was a student from 1995 to 2000
Tomorrow I'm working from 8.30 until 6.
2. We use How far...? to ask about the distance from one place to another. We can use from and to with the places we are asking about:
How far is it from Amsterdam to Paris? 475 kilometres.
How far are the shops from here?- Not far.
3. We use How often...? to ask about the number of times something happens. We can use phrases like every day, once a week, etc. In the answer:
How often do the buses run?- Every hour.
How often do you play squash?- Twice a week.
4. We can use How much...? to ask about the price of something:
How much is a return ticket to Florence?
How much did you pay for this car?
5. We use How much...?with an uncountable noun to ask about the amount of something.
An uncountable noun cannot be plural beacuse it describes something that cannot be counted (e.g. bread, work, weather, money, music,meat,milk, cheese.)
How much bread is there in the cupboard?
How much work have you done today?
6.We use How many...? with a plural noun to ask about numbers:
How many student are in your class?- Fifteen.
How many people went to the party?- Ten.
7. We use How old...? to ask about someone's age:
How old are you?- I'm 19.
Note that we say:
I am 19, or:19. (not I have 19.)
We can also say: I'm 19 years ols. But we cannot say: I'm 19 years.