- In English, the order of words in a statement is subject + verb+ object:
Subject + Verb + Object
I enjoy good food
Peter is watching Tv.
She drank a cup of coffee
2. Some verbs (e.g. like) always need an object:
Subject + Verb + Object
I like music
She wants a drink
3. After the verb be, we can use an object or an adjective:
She is a doctor--------> object
Mary is tired---------> adjective
We can also put adjectives after the verbs look, seem and feel.
Mary looks tired
4. now look at this example:
John gave Mary an apple.
John gave her an apple.
After some verbs (e.g. give, send, bring), we can talk about a person (Mary, her) and an object:
Verb + Person + Object
He sent Jane a book
Ann made Tom a cup of tea
Ann brought him a cup of tea.
He left them some money
She wrote him a letter
5. We usually put information about times or places at the end of the sentence:
I had a holiday in Spain----->Place
They gave their son a watch yesterday----->time